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I see all the potential of this game

I like it

It's hard too play for the moment seeing the numbers of bug and update to make but I think, it will be great. 


I have 2 pictures open when I click on the barrels 

Texte is to speed per moments 

I dont have any possibility to skip totaly the conversation if I missclick on cow (maybe add dial bubble) 

I think the time past so far and it will be better to slow it and reduce the darkest of the night (up the light) 

GUI update (Health, Stamine, etc etc etc) because .... it's ugly ... 

Like the previous comment, for the gameplay, maybe an innocent virgin girl don't need to run on farm with mini skirt. 

If you need more inforamtions, you can contact me =)

Ok so like no offense but this is unplayable.

There are so many bugs, like I triggered the barrel scene twice and the game just continued while stuck in the image screen while the character did like whatever in the background. Also, the hunger meter drains while you are in the Main Menu...

Then, there is the story. So, we are an innocent virgin who wants to experience adventure while exploring her sexuality. That's a pretty good concept and honestly something that appeals to me. But then why does she run around in her underwear from the get-go? In terms of storytelling, it would make far more sense to start with modest clothing while she is still in the innocent, non corrupted state and then as the game progresses and our character gets more and more corrupted, you unlock more and more lewd outfits. Or something like that.

Like, don't get me wrong, I want to watch where you take this game but as it stands right now, it's in a very early state and I got to play for like half a minute before getting softlocked in an image screen, so...